Thursday, September 07, 2006

Quiet contemplation and psychic connection

I spent yesterday afternoon at my favorite fishing hole, enjoying the later summer day and mused at how much getting out away from phones and electricity helps psychic reception. Watching the water, the local beaver swimming contentedly in the middle of the lake, listening to the breeze rustle through the trees, it all took me to a deeper, calmer place.

I think our bodies entrain automatically in some significant way to whatever environment we put them in. If we are constantly dealing with the noise of phones and the frequency of fluorescent lights, that "artificial buzz" is what our bodies try to match and beat or flow with. But if we are out in nature, as man and woman were for thousands of years before we created this world of artificial vibration, then our bodies entrain, listen to and try to match the natural world.

I believe it's this natural world that has built in lines of communication that go beyond the normally thought of five senses. After I spend a day out in nature, I find that even the drive home can be filled with more multi-sensory images and awareness than I would get from a "normal day in the office."

Maybe the more I get more "in-tune" with the Universe, the better I'm able to "tune in."

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