Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's been a wonderful first weekend of Spring here in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area.  I've been spending glorious time sitting outside in the warm sun, listening to the birds and gazing at the peach tree in early full bloom. 

On March 20th we lit a small fire and drummed in the first minutes of Spring.  Thank Tunkasila the Winter of 2013-14 is officially over.  It was a difficult one for many.

Yesterday, White Otter and I traveled north an hour to Santa Fe and met with other like minded folks to participate in the World Water Day ceremony.  Frenchie's Barn Park in Santa Fe boasts both a labyrinth as well as a water wheel site constructed with natural and white stones.  The design was very similar to the waterwheel image below. 
I was reminded that water is everything to the life on our little blue marble.  So, next time you pass a river, a stream, a lake or a pond, bless the water....REALLY bless it. Bless your drinking water, put good thoughts and energy into that which you cook with, bath in, launder with and consume in any fashion.  Pure water is a precious commodity and we here in the United States take for granted.  It's time to become more conscious my friends....time to become much more conscious.

Monday, March 10, 2014

New Mexico - Land of Enchantment

I've been quiet on my blog over the past year, working on many things in my personal life.  To date, over the past 14 months I've lost nearly 80 lbs, sewn numerous original dress and shirt designs for my friends who walk the Red Road, and made a hand painted whale quilt for a Lakota Chief.  In June of 2013, a wonderful new man from New Mexico came into my life.  His name is White Otter and together we have been exploring historical places and things, traveling, and doing powerful energy work.  White Otter invited me to spend my first winter ever outside of the state of  Iowa, and I eagerly agreed.  Thus, the second week of January, we drove to his home in the desert southwest.

This week, we will be traveling to the World College in Montezuma, New Mexico.  Our purpose for visiting this lovely little village nestled in the mountains of just east of Santa Fe is two fold.  First, we are heading to the Dwan Light Sanctuary ( to take some time to meditate in the quiet and the calm of the moving rainbow prisms of light.

After that, we are making the trip to the hot springs just down the hill from the castle.  White Otter and I have visited these natural sulfur and lithium pools before and at least once a month try to soak up the goodness that they provide.   These springs
are located five miles north of Las Vegas on NM 65 (Hot Spring Blvd.) on the property of the Armand Hammer United World College of the American West. these hot springs are open to the public for free.
If you go, take your bathing suit and a towel and prepare to soak for an hour or two.  The pools pictured in the image above are, according to a local gentleman I spoke with, both sulfur and lithium.  Farther to the south a hundred feet or more are springs that are mostly lithium.  Let me tell you from personal experience, the lithium makes you happy, calm, and a bit sleepy.  It's perfect for moving into that deeper, connected, meditative state.  Lucky me, after our soak, I get to be a passenger on the way home and stay in that trance-like bliss while White Otter drives.
So, think of me on Wednesday as I'm enjoying one of Mom Nature's best free mineral spring cures for what ails you.