Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Do I need to send a photo?

When people call to make an appointment with me, I give them a list of what they will need to do before we talk. I let them know I need to be able to write down the full name, birth date, and city and state location of anyone they wish to ask about. I also request that they take the time to sit down and make up a list of questions before they call and put those in order from what ever is most important to whatever is least important to them at the time.

Many people ask, "Do I need to send you a photo of the person I'm asking about?"

My honest answer is that if it's easy to do so, yes please, DO send the photo. The more recent the better and the less people in the photo the better.

But, you might ask, "You're clairvoyant, why do you need a photo? Can't you see the person anyway?"

Well the answer is two fold. No, I can not always immediately see the person like you might in a photograph. I have done it, and often the dozens of images about things surrounding an individual does include a description or visual image of them...but many times I am looking at everything else about that person and not so concerned with their appearance.

But secondly, you know the phrase, "a picture is worth a thousand words?" Well, for a clairvoyant, a picture is often the trigger that brings dozens if not hundreds of additional images. The photo acts as a leaping off place for me to quickly and easily retrieve information. It's a springboard to many, many more details about that many details that often come simultaneously that I have to take a moment to sort them all out.

So, for those who ask, should I send a photo to you....yes please! It will help me access more information in a quick and efficient fashion for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would love to read more blog posts!!