When people call to make an appointment with me, I give them a list of what they will need to do before we talk. I let them know I need to be able to write down the full name, birth date, and city and state location of anyone they wish to ask about. I also request that they take the time to sit down and make up a list of questions before they call and put those in order from what ever is most important to whatever is least important to them at the time.
Many people ask, "Do I need to send you a photo of the person I'm asking about?"
My honest answer is that if it's easy to do so, yes please, DO send the photo. The more recent the better and the less people in the photo the better.
But, you might ask, "You're clairvoyant, why do you need a photo? Can't you see the person anyway?"
Well the answer is two fold. No, I can not always immediately see the person like you might in a photograph. I have done it, and often the dozens of images about things surrounding an individual does include a description or visual image of them...but many times I am looking at everything else about that person and not so concerned with their appearance.
But secondly, you know the phrase, "a picture is worth a thousand words?" Well, for a clairvoyant, a picture is often the trigger that brings dozens if not hundreds of additional images. The photo acts as a leaping off place for me to quickly and easily retrieve information. It's a springboard to many, many more details about that individual...so many details that often come simultaneously that I have to take a moment to sort them all out.
So, for those who ask, should I send a photo to you....yes please! It will help me access more information in a quick and efficient fashion for you!
Glimpse the everyday life of a clairvoyant psychic and medical intuitive
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Just say NO to mandatory H1N1 vaccinations!
This information came to me in an email forwarded from my friend Carolyn Walker who is part of the Prevention and Healing Clinic in Urbandale, IA. I concur whole heartedly with her on the idea of NO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS! Please read, it's important! - Su
H1N1 Flu Vaccine Facts:
Make an informed choice for the health and safety of you and your family.
* As there is NOT adequate time to test these risky vaccines, Drug Companies successfully lobbied Congress to pass the PREP Act, granting them immunity from all legal and financial liabilities for vaccine related injuries and deaths.
* Drug Companies provide false and misleading information to the CDC and State Health Departments. This [mis]information is then used by the State Governors and Legislators to make policy decisions. In 1976, they declared, “The virus will kill 1 million Americans”. It didn’t! But hundreds were permanently injured and dozens died from the vaccine!
* Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stated the H1N1 vaccines will contain mercury, a potent neurotoxin. The World Health Organization is now recommending that pregnant women and children receive multiple vaccinations, while manufacturers’ inserts recommend against mercury-containing vaccines for pregnant women.
* Squalene has been purchased for use as an adjuvant (additive) in some of these vaccines. Squalene is implicated in severe autoimmune disorders and Gulf War Syndrome.
* MedImmune’s Nasal Spray “mist” vaccine contains live virus that pose the serious risk of both infecting the recipient AND spreading the virus to others. Imagine the hazard this creates at the Shopping Mart on “Spray Day”!
* The Federal Government has appropriated more than $ 8.5 billion of YOUR money on this massive and dangerous experiment. Multiple studies published in highly reputable publications have documented that flu shots are ineffective in all age groups!
It is frightening to think that the State Governors will mandate us to submit to this unproven vaccine. Yet, this is a very real possibility. “A decision will be made soon as to whether or not every American should be vaccinated against this H1N1 Virus this fall. I included sufficient funds…to purchase that vaccine if public health experts deem it necessary to do so.” - Sen. Tom Harkin, Aug. 27, 2009. Ask Senator Harkin why the billions of dollars for the Drug Industry?
A letter has been delivered to Iowa Governor Chet Culver requesting formation of a Citizens’ Pandemic Flu Advisory and Advocacy Group for communication with the State Government. Further, the request has been made to Governor Culver that he NOT force these experimental and uninsurable vaccines upon Iowans. Please ask Governor Culver and your State Legislator to support the Advocacy Group.
Action Steps:
Forward this email to the Governor and your State and Federal Legislators. The “Iowa Citizens H1N1 Letter to Governor Culver” is at this site (http://iowansforinformedconsent.org/h1n1.html ), along with contact links to your Legislators.
Forward this e-mail to all your local officials, county supervisors, city council, school board and superintendent, doctors, nurses, teachers – and all your friends and relatives. CALL them! Tell them: NO MANDATORY VACCINES!
H1N1 Flu Vaccine Facts:
Make an informed choice for the health and safety of you and your family.
* As there is NOT adequate time to test these risky vaccines, Drug Companies successfully lobbied Congress to pass the PREP Act, granting them immunity from all legal and financial liabilities for vaccine related injuries and deaths.
* Drug Companies provide false and misleading information to the CDC and State Health Departments. This [mis]information is then used by the State Governors and Legislators to make policy decisions. In 1976, they declared, “The virus will kill 1 million Americans”. It didn’t! But hundreds were permanently injured and dozens died from the vaccine!
* Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stated the H1N1 vaccines will contain mercury, a potent neurotoxin. The World Health Organization is now recommending that pregnant women and children receive multiple vaccinations, while manufacturers’ inserts recommend against mercury-containing vaccines for pregnant women.
* Squalene has been purchased for use as an adjuvant (additive) in some of these vaccines. Squalene is implicated in severe autoimmune disorders and Gulf War Syndrome.
* MedImmune’s Nasal Spray “mist” vaccine contains live virus that pose the serious risk of both infecting the recipient AND spreading the virus to others. Imagine the hazard this creates at the Shopping Mart on “Spray Day”!
* The Federal Government has appropriated more than $ 8.5 billion of YOUR money on this massive and dangerous experiment. Multiple studies published in highly reputable publications have documented that flu shots are ineffective in all age groups!
It is frightening to think that the State Governors will mandate us to submit to this unproven vaccine. Yet, this is a very real possibility. “A decision will be made soon as to whether or not every American should be vaccinated against this H1N1 Virus this fall. I included sufficient funds…to purchase that vaccine if public health experts deem it necessary to do so.” - Sen. Tom Harkin, Aug. 27, 2009. Ask Senator Harkin why the billions of dollars for the Drug Industry?
A letter has been delivered to Iowa Governor Chet Culver requesting formation of a Citizens’ Pandemic Flu Advisory and Advocacy Group for communication with the State Government. Further, the request has been made to Governor Culver that he NOT force these experimental and uninsurable vaccines upon Iowans. Please ask Governor Culver and your State Legislator to support the Advocacy Group.
Action Steps:
Forward this email to the Governor and your State and Federal Legislators. The “Iowa Citizens H1N1 Letter to Governor Culver” is at this site (http://iowansforinformedconsent.org/h1n1.html ), along with contact links to your Legislators.
Forward this e-mail to all your local officials, county supervisors, city council, school board and superintendent, doctors, nurses, teachers – and all your friends and relatives. CALL them! Tell them: NO MANDATORY VACCINES!
Preparing for the Fall Equinox
09-22-2009 at 16:18 CDT
That's the exact date and time of this year's fall Equinox. So what's the big deal, why is it so important?
Several things both astrological and astronomical happen. First, the length of daylight and length of night time are exactly equal, 12 hours of each. Since the beginning of spring (the Spring Equinox) we've been enjoying days that are longer than nights. The length of hours of sunlight grows a bit each day until we reach the longest day of the year at the Summer Solstice in June. From then until the Fall Equinox, the days slowly, little by little, shorten. After September 22 this year, the days will continued to be shorter than the nights with our longest night occuring on the Winter Solstice in December.
The Fall Equinox is also known as the second harvest festival, harvest home or Mabon. There are three harvest fests, the first being the beginning of August which is also known as Lammas or the Green Corn Harvest Festival. Here in Iowa, I would prefer to call it the Sweet Corn Harvest Festival and this year's corn was especially sweet (I've already frozen many quart bags to enjoy this winter! For all your folks in other parts of the country, you have my sympathy in eating the regular old canned or frozen corn you buy at the store...there is NO comparison!)
The fall festival, because of days and nights being equal, is also a time to prepare to get things back into balance again, readying for the long winter.
How do I do that specifically? First, I make sure that the pantry and freezers are stocked for winter with all my favorite goodies from the wonders of summer here in Iowa...sweet corn, raspberries, good Iowa beef, and catfish I caught myself are among all the things that I make sure I have stored away.
This is a photo of me a after one particularly decent fall catch I got in about a 3 hour period of time from Beaver Lake just north of Dexter, Iowa.
Secondly, I check to make sure my family has the clothing it needs to prepare for the oncoming cooling in Fall and deep cold of Winter. The heavier wool winter blankets get put back on the beds. Hats and scarves, winter coats and boots all come back out of storage. Mismatched gloves and mittens are accounted for and warm wool socks need to have their mates.
Above are some of the baby socks I've been knitting this week for my granddaughter Inara. She's going to be a year old in December.
Emotionally and spiritually, it's the time where I look back on the past nine and a half months to see if there's anything I wanted to accomplish this year that didn't get done. Now's the time to make sure that I wrap up this year in a good way. I go through my mental list of hopes and dreams for this year and see what still hasn't been finished, and look to see what's truly important to still fit in before winter hits.
I also sit back and evaluate my pace of life right about now. Am I rushing things, or lagging way behind. Am I in physical balance health wise and what needs to change or shift? Do I need to simplify more things to be able put my emphasis on myself, friends and family in a gentler way? Am I working too hard, or not as efficiently as I should? What am I doing to keep my own personal balance going each day or each week. How will that shift as fall begins the slow but steady trod toward the cold chill of winter.
So, now is the time of evaluation and seeking balance for me, planning and appreciating everything that I've been given, shown or taught this past year and determining how I want to draw 2009 to a wonderful and balanced close.
That's the exact date and time of this year's fall Equinox. So what's the big deal, why is it so important?
Several things both astrological and astronomical happen. First, the length of daylight and length of night time are exactly equal, 12 hours of each. Since the beginning of spring (the Spring Equinox) we've been enjoying days that are longer than nights. The length of hours of sunlight grows a bit each day until we reach the longest day of the year at the Summer Solstice in June. From then until the Fall Equinox, the days slowly, little by little, shorten. After September 22 this year, the days will continued to be shorter than the nights with our longest night occuring on the Winter Solstice in December.
The Fall Equinox is also known as the second harvest festival, harvest home or Mabon. There are three harvest fests, the first being the beginning of August which is also known as Lammas or the Green Corn Harvest Festival. Here in Iowa, I would prefer to call it the Sweet Corn Harvest Festival and this year's corn was especially sweet (I've already frozen many quart bags to enjoy this winter! For all your folks in other parts of the country, you have my sympathy in eating the regular old canned or frozen corn you buy at the store...there is NO comparison!)
The fall festival, because of days and nights being equal, is also a time to prepare to get things back into balance again, readying for the long winter.
How do I do that specifically? First, I make sure that the pantry and freezers are stocked for winter with all my favorite goodies from the wonders of summer here in Iowa...sweet corn, raspberries, good Iowa beef, and catfish I caught myself are among all the things that I make sure I have stored away.
Secondly, I check to make sure my family has the clothing it needs to prepare for the oncoming cooling in Fall and deep cold of Winter. The heavier wool winter blankets get put back on the beds. Hats and scarves, winter coats and boots all come back out of storage. Mismatched gloves and mittens are accounted for and warm wool socks need to have their mates.
Emotionally and spiritually, it's the time where I look back on the past nine and a half months to see if there's anything I wanted to accomplish this year that didn't get done. Now's the time to make sure that I wrap up this year in a good way. I go through my mental list of hopes and dreams for this year and see what still hasn't been finished, and look to see what's truly important to still fit in before winter hits.
I also sit back and evaluate my pace of life right about now. Am I rushing things, or lagging way behind. Am I in physical balance health wise and what needs to change or shift? Do I need to simplify more things to be able put my emphasis on myself, friends and family in a gentler way? Am I working too hard, or not as efficiently as I should? What am I doing to keep my own personal balance going each day or each week. How will that shift as fall begins the slow but steady trod toward the cold chill of winter.
So, now is the time of evaluation and seeking balance for me, planning and appreciating everything that I've been given, shown or taught this past year and determining how I want to draw 2009 to a wonderful and balanced close.
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